Logotipo de Red Eléctrica de España

Saturday, 31 August 2024

Daily statistics of the Balearic Islands' electricity system

Provisional data to 28/01/2025 • 18:35:49

Daily energy balance (MWh) (1) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Annual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Coal 0 0 -100,0 58.051 -23,6 58.051 -21,0
Motores diesel 1.931 63.155 -3,4 183.089 -5,9 248.240 -3,0
Gas turbine 1.337 57.984 7,9 288.730 -19,8 430.357 -15,5
Fuel oil+gas 3.268 121.139 1,7 471.818 -15,0 678.597 -11,3
Combined cycle (3) 10.153 334.326 2,8 1.916.984 -7,8 2.924.162 -9,7
Auxiliary generation (4) 0 0 - 0 - 0 -
Wind 0 0 - 0 - 19 -98,6
Solar PV 1.811 55.465 24,2 372.238 36,0 489.008 37,6
Other renewables (5) 14 290 214,9 793 -22,1 1.352 -5,2
Cogeneration (6) 87 3.124 -15,0 26.474 -2,8 36.243 -0,8
Non-renewables waste (7) 512 15.579 6,1 100.411 8,5 141.009 2,2
Renewable waste (7) 512 15.579 6,1 100.411 8,5 141.009 2,2
Generation 16.358 545.502 2,4 3.047.181 -4,7 4.469.449 -6,0
Batteries 0 0 - 32 - 32 -
Batteries consumption 0 -2 - -172 - -201 -
Balearic-Peninsula link (8) 5.872 187.957 7,4 1.117.074 13,9 1.562.552 25,2
Demand (b.c) 22.230 733.457 3,6 4.164.114 -0,4 6.031.832 0,5
Adjusted demand (9) - - 2,7 - 1,4 - 1,6
Transmission losses -470 -15.104 2,6 -89.219 3,2 -128.828 5,1
Demand (distribution) 21.760 718.353 3,6 4.074.895 -0,4 5.903.004 0,4

Generation structure

Rolling year aggregate
  • No renewable:
    • Coal
    • Diesel engines
    • Gas turbine
    • Auxiliary generation
    • Combined cycle
    • Non-renewables waste
    • Cogeneration
  • Renewable:
    • Wind
    • Renewable waste
    • Solar PV
    • Other renewables

Renewable energy

Renewable energy (GWh) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Anual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Total (10) 2.338 71.334 19,8 473.442 28,5 631.387 27,3

Maximum demand

Maximum Demand Day Month Year Historical
Peak Load (MWh) 1.136 (21h) 1.356 (20h - 01/08) 1.356 (20h - 01/08) 1.496 (20h - 08/11/2007)
Daily demand (MWh) - 26.959 (02/08) 26.959 (02/08) 27.499 (03/08/2017)
  • Note: All variance percentages shown refer to the same period in the previous year.
  • (1) Allocation of production units according to primary fuel.
  • (2) Rolling year: cumulative value in the last 365 days, or 366 days in leap years.
  • (3) Includes operation in open cycle mode.
  • (4) Emergency generator units installed temporarily in specific zones to cover a deficit in generation.
  • (5) Includes biogas, biomass, marine energy and geothermal. The values of increase and rolling year include waste up until 31 December 2014.
  • (6) The increment and rolling year values include waste up to December 31, 2014.
  • (7) Generation included in other renewables and cogeneration on 12/31/2014.
  • (8) Positive value: incoming energy; negative value: outgoing energy.
  • (9) After factoring in the influence of seasonal and working patterns.
  • (10) Includes wind, solar photovoltaic, other renewables and renewable waste.