Publication Date
Spanish Electricity System 2017 Report

Red Eléctrica de España (REE) as the sole Transmission Agent and Operator (TSO) of the Spanish electricity system, presents its latest edition of the Spanish Electricity System Report, which the Company has been publishing annually ever since it was established as TSO in 1985. This publication provides an overview of the main operational performance indicators and statistical ratios in 2017, as well as their evolution over recent years.

All files are only available in Spanish

Excel de cuadros y gráficos del Informe del sistema eléctrico español
Data tables Excel files
Electrical energy demand Descargar excel (XLSX, 480 KB)
Electrical energy generation Descargar excel (XLSX, 1,05 KB)
International energy exchanges Descargar excel (XLSX, 893 KB)
Transmission grid Descargar excel (XLSX, 346 KB)
Electricity markets Descargar excel (XLSX, 698 KB)
European scope Descargar excel (XLSX, 265 KB)