Publication Date
Spanish Electricity System 2015 Report

This publication annually presents the main statistics prepared by Red Eléctrica de España on the Spanish electricity system. In this edition, there has been a change in approach, content and layout compared to previous editions with the aim of making this report accessible and available to a larger number of users.

Among the new things this new publication introduces, noteworthy is its greater analytical approach and the inclusion of new content, such as the evolution of the Red Eléctrica Index (IRE) that measures and reflects the evolution of the electricity demand of large consumers and, in general, more detailed information on the evolution of the electricity system as a whole. In addition, it is supplemented with charts and graphs in Excel files, which in previous editions were included directly as part of the report.

Excel tables, charts and graphs of the Spanish Electricity System Report (files are only available in Spanish)
Data tables Excel files
Electrical energy demand (XLSX, 448 KB)
Electrical energy generation (XLSX, 1,018 MB)
International energy exchanges (XLSX, 890 KB)
Transmission grid (XLSX, 334 KB)
Electricity markets (XLSX, 702 KB)
European scope (XLSX, 260 KB)